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Friday, November 18, 2011

The concept of an awaited Messiah!

I feel it is necessary in the best interests of our readers and/or viewers that I tackle the subject-an awaited Messiah-in that I have written at length on the failings of not only religion but in particular Christianity and Islam. But not to exclude those other religions that have failed in the spiritual evolution of planet Earth and its peoples.

And we are not finished with this concept of an awaited Messiah for the Jewish nation has waited for their Messiah for thousands of years. They still don’t know when their Messiah will come nor whether he will be a human figure or is a symbol of the redemption of humankind from the evils of the world. “The cataclysmic events of the first half of the 20th century smashed the belief of an ever-expanding consciousness of enlightenment and with that – their messianic age as a time, would possibly be far off”. May I suggest that rather than waiting for their “messiah” for an “expanding consciousness of enlightenment” at some future time, the time is now for an expanding consciousness of the oneness of all mankind. Of course it goes without saying again that this consciousness of enlightenment is in short supply at times as we see the unrest through out our planet Earth.

Then there is Mormonism, tracing its origins to the church of Christ founded by Joseph Smith on April 6, 1830 in Western New York. The Latter Day Saints church has a hierarchical structure with a president/prophet dictating revelations for the whole church. Mormons see Joseph Smith first vision as proof that the heavens are open and that God answers prayers; Mormons have many beliefs that are considered strange in the modernized world, as well as complicated and sometimes controversial history, they continue to hold onto their beliefs because they feel God has spoken to them.

In order to continue this thread of an awaiting Messiah and those prophets that have been considered messiahs in their own right, allow me to go back to the year 1844. The Bahá’í Faith traces its origin to 1844 and the announcement by a young man, Siyyid ‘Alí-Muhammad, in Shiraz, Persia (now Iran), that He had been sent by God to prepare humanity for a new age and the imminent appearance of another Messenger, Baha’u’llah, who was to be even greater than Himself.

From Wikipedia;

Baha’u'llah,(glory of God), 12 November 1817-29 May 1892, was founder of the Baha’i faith he claimed to be the prophetic fulfillment, referring to the fulfillment of the eschatological## expectations of Islam, Christianity and other major religions. Baha’u’llah taught that humanity is one single race that the age has come for its unification in a global society. This claim to divine revelation resulted in persecution and imprisonment by the Persian and Ottoman authorities and his eventual 24 year confinement in the present city of Acre, Palestine present day Israel where he died. He authored many religious works, most notably the
Kitab-i-Aqdas** and the Kitab-i-i-Iqan***.
** The Kitáb-i-Aqdas is referred to as “the Mother-Book” of the Bahá’í teachings, and the “Charter of the future world civilization”.
*** The Kitáb-i-Íqán (Arabic: كتاب الإيقان‎ Persian: كتاب ايقان “The Book of Certitude”) is one of many books held sacred by followers of the Bahá’í Faith; it is their primary theological work.
##**”eschatology” – Encarta Dictionary: English UK: “doctrines about death and its aftermath; the body of religious doctrines concerning the human soul in its relation to death, judgment and hell”.

Persecution of Baha’is continues to this day by the hierarchies of Islam and in particular present-day Iran; it is interesting to note that the United Nations, to some extent, intervened on behalf of the Baha’is when it became apparent to the world that persecution of the Baha’is was/is unwarranted.

Baha’i teachings focus on unity-the oneness of God, the oneness of religion, and the oneness of the human race. The Baha’i faith has no clergy. A central belief of the Baha’i faith is progressive revelation-that God progressively reveals his teachings for humanity through a series of divine educators that become the founders of the world’s great religions. Among these religions are the Baha’i faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Zoroastrianism.

I make no apology for including this information on the Baha’i faith. It seems to me that so much of Islam has taken the spotlight-for the good, bad and the indifference to Islam. I am aghast that the Baha’i faith has been relegated to a, now, minor role in the spiritual evolution of we the people when it has so much to offer all of us.

Although it may seem that I have written myself into a corner on the subject of other prophets I will continue to shed some light on this concept of an awaited Messiah as put forward by the Ahmadiyya
Muslim community as “The concept of an Awaited Messiah in World Faith” published by that Muslim community. This concept of the coming Messiah is all-too-familiar throughout our planet; the publication was short and concise, reviewing the concept of many world communities and religions.

The gist of it all was in their learned opinion that literally every people on this planet anticipates a Messiah that would unite all peoples and one religion as such; that this Messiah would bring an end to the trials and tribulations of all peoples regardless of race, color and religion. The writers acknowledged that it may be difficult if not impossible for the inhabitants of planet Earth to recognize this one prophet that could and would unite us all, and they made it abundantly clear that he has arrived in the form of Hadrat Mizra Ghulam Ahmad (as). With all due respect for this latest prophet, nothing has changed, we continue to be separated one from another. Interesting is it not that Islam has ignored this latest prophet of Islam, and Baha’u'llah for that matter, as this would unravel all that Islam has attempted to do in world affairs based wholly on the interpretations of the clergy and not that of the Koran? At least I have not heard a peep from those hierarchies of Islam to refute this claim or to welcome him into the fold of Islam with open arms.

Now that I have thrown some light, just some light, on this topic of an awaited Messiah there is some interesting information that can be gained from the book Power versus Force; and which might put all of the above in proper perspective regarding religion, or should I say old time religion.

If I may, allow me to refer to a book, Power versus Force-“the hidden determinants of human behavior”. David R Hawkins, M. D., PH. D., Originally published in Sedona Arizona, USA; Veritas publishing 1995.

For those unfamiliar to this publication, Power vs Force, Dr. Hawkins utilized kinesiology to determine the truth of his work, paragraph by paragraph, chapter by chapter; chapter 23, from which I am drawing this material was set at 880/1000; one thousand (1000) being the ultimate truth of a statement. Without going into great detail on how these figures were achieved throughout Dr. Hawkins’ book, let me assure you that they were not achieved by some fly-by-night technique.

A question properly worded where truth of a question can only be answered with a yes or no, the answer is there, the individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant database. The database is human consciousness itself, the unlimited information contained in this database has been shown to be readily available to anyone (my underline) in a few seconds, at any time, and in any place.

The level of consciousness of Muhammad was 740/1000 and the Koran, set 720/1000. Militant Islamic fundamentalists was set at 130/1000. May I suggest at a level of 130/1000 there is explicit reactionary, political agenda to their motives, motives not in keeping with the level of consciousness of Mohammed and the Koran as I have indicated above.

It is obvious to me, at this moment, that I have had to extend this writing to put what has gone before in my writings in proper perspective to what is being written now. As I have in the past taken Christianity and Islam to task for their failure to adhere to the teachings of the Christ and Mohammed, respectively, it is necessary at this time to once again refer to Dr. Hawkins work in Power vs Force page 272, “The level of truth originally expounded by Jesus Christ, set at 1000-the highest level attainable on this plane. The practice of his teachings in Christianity currently stands at 498/1000”.

This discrepancy of truth at maximum of 1000 and the practice of the teachings of the Christ at 498/1000 tends to add fuel to the fact that Christianity has taken on a more mortal and supposedly infallible teachings in their quest to control the masses rather than their task, in my learned opinion, to aid in the spiritual evolution of all people.

Judaism-the teachings of Abraham, calibrated at 985; the practice that was current at the time of Moses calibrated at 770-the level of truth of the Torah. Modern Judaism calibrates at 499.

It is unfortunate I believe that Dr. Hawkins did not calibrate the truth of two great religions in their own right; the Mormons and the Baha’i faith.

Fast-forward to the 20th century were the new thought movement of the 19th century came to fruition with Dr. Ernest Homes Science of Mind copyright 1938-G. P. Putman’s Sons, New York.

I say came to fruition as a result of a new thought movement that began with Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, 1802-1866 and Thomas Troward – 1847-1960. Troward was a much influential figure in the development of Ernest Homes Religious Science, Science of Mind organization due to the impact his philosophy had on Holmes; Troward’s teachings are regularly taught in Science of Mind classes. Then there was Ralph Waldo Trine, 1866-1958, Trine was one of the early mentors of the new thought movement, he was a true pioneer in the area of life transforming thought; his work greatly influenced Ernest Homes.

Through his research Dr. Homes created a structure of concepts based on the religions and philosophies of human history, sometimes correlating his findings with the then emerging new physics. He named the teaching a science because he believed that its principles were scientifically provable practice. He wrote,” I would rather see a student of this science prove it then to have them repeat all the words of wisdom that have ever been uttered”. Holmes alternately came to believe in a” core concept” – what he saw as a” golden thread of truth” that ran through all the world’s religions as well as in science and philosophy.

What a time in that 19th century of our spiritual evolution of a higher consciousness of oneness that would, in my humble opinion, require old time religion to question their cast in stone dogma and antiquated teachings. That is if they dare to do so; should they do so, what an awakening of consciousness that could/should take place.

Now that I have completed my views religion in this writing and previous writings you may rightfully inquire as to what path I follow? Rather than extending this essay any longer than necessary, I have traveled the paths of many religions, old and new, and allow me to say that I honor all paths that leads one to their recognizing that they are magnificent soul beings experiencing a human journey; that’s, without question, we are linked together regardless of all that has separated us in the past. I could easily step into any house of ” worship” provided they meet this simple litmus test:
“at long last, Michael, a two point spiritual litmus test to see whether or not any old religious doctrine or modern day “ism” is worthy of celebration:
1. Does it empower all, without conditions and favoritism?
2. Is everyone loved, forgiven, and accepted eternally?
Just another step, Michael, towards ending war, prejudice, and slow driving in the passing lane”.
The universe and

Enough I say of religions that have really taken on an entirely different cloth/robe(s) to the teachings of the great prophets of the past. But wait – there is hope on the horizon, I believe, in the avatars, the sages of the past and the present that have/are beacons of enlightenment without the trappings/dogma of any organized religion(s). The list of these avatars, the sages of the past and present is extensive to say the least, yet they are there but I believe it is not in your best interest for me to direct you to one path or another of enlightenment. All I can suggest is that you think outside the box so to speak and do your diligent research. I do believe that as you ask the doors will open and reveal a greater awareness of who and what you are; a truly magnificent human being on a soul journey through this time and space.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


""The Bahá'í Faith is an independent world religion. With more than five million adherents residing in over 124,000 localities, the Bahá'í Faith is established in 204 countries across the planet. The spiritual principles of the Bahá'í Faith affirm its overall purpose--to bring about the oneness of humanity. In cooperation with these same principles, Bahá'ís also believe that there is only one Creator and that the spiritual truth of all religions is the same. From a Bahá'í perspective, The Bahá'í Faith is the most recent of the world's great religions. It forms the next link in a chain of important, divine teachings, a progressive revelation that places Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, as the Messenger of God for this age."

"Religion should be the cause of love and unity." -- Bahá'u'lláh

wanna know more?!... please visit..

The other side of me.......the spiritual me!!

Religion and science are the two wings upon which mans intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress. It is not possible to fly with one wing alone! Should a man try to fly with the wing of religion alone he would quickly fall into the quagmire of superstition, whilst on the other hand, with the wing of science alone he would make no progress, but fall into the despairing slough of materialism.